Cashless Convenience


“Philanthropy is fun and fulfilling.” - Bill Gates

Activate safe and speedy solutions: Mobile pay, eCheck, and credit or debit card donations can be accepted anytime, anywhere. Meet your donors wherever they are—outdoor space, nonprofit institution, private gala, shopping plaza, in the office, on the cloud. No connection? No worries. Up to 1500 transactions can be stored offline and processed once a signal is restored.
Cashless giving increases the average one-time cash donation by 300%.

Some nonprofits have seen a 600% increase by optimizing cashless giving.

All payments are fully encrypted, eliminating the risk of fraud or theft.

Benefactors receive receipts in a flash, via text or email.

Digital donation box. Harness technology to maximize contributions. Industry-leading, cost-effective expertise delivers instant support for your cause.
  • Instant Karma is small, simple, and invites multiple donation amounts.
  • Use the mobile app with a smartphone, smartwatch, or tablet.
  • Tailor-made donation pages make it easy to give online.
  • Expert designers will customize your products for brand awareness.
  • Have data, will travel. Make sense of every cent. An automated system collects comprehensive data that tracks annual donation totals, donor information, giving cycles, profitable locations, and more.

    Karma Payments’ ingenious platform will ensure your organization is on the cutting edge.