Inspire Impactful Fundraising

Boost prosperity with innovative donation solutions.

  • Everything on one user-friendly platform
  • Accept card and ACH donations online and on app
  • Real-time reporting and data tracking tools
  • Low-cost processing fees

  • Pricing Plans

    Call Us to Learn More: 1.800.446.4164

Custom Online Donation Pages

Online Auctions and Bidding

Donor + Donation Management

Online Store and Sales Management

Receive Donations Online


Manage Data and Permissions

Comprehensive Reports

Forecast giving cycles and identify donors with our automated system. We will help you analyze data to spark success.

Curate comprehensive reports to track annual donation totals, giving cycles, most profitable locations, and more.

Donation Management

Industry-leading tools help strategically manage your donations and donor database.

Data is presented in multiple formats to support fundraising efforts and target actual and potential benefactors.

Permission-Based User Support

Choose who, what, where, and when with permission-based access.

Add multiple users with respective privileges to perform tasks such as collecting donations, paying vendors, and researching data.

Advantages of Online Solutions:

• Real-time reporting and depositing
• Multiple sales and donation channels in one package
• Variety of shopping, ticketing, and donations plugins
• Expansive donor and patron data


100% protected for 0% risk of fraud. All transactions are fully encrypted to ensure financial data is secure. We safeguard fraud prevention and are PCI and IRS compliant.

Protect Repeat Revenue

The Account Updater feature obtains and maintains up-to-date credit and debit card information. No need to worry about lost account numbers due to expiration, theft, or change of address.

Dedicated customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Partner with us to realize your nonprofit’s full fundraising prowess.

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