Recurring Donation Schedules (Monthly/Weekly/Yearly)

People like giving to charitable organizations. Unfortunately, nonprofits often receive a donation and never hear from the donor again.
This isn’t because people don’t care. It is likely because they move on to the busy task of living their lives. Leaders of charities have learned from this pattern and want to find a more effective way of collecting repeat donations on a regular schedule. Karma Payments has the solution: Give nonprofits the ability to easily schedule and manage recurring donations on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
Recurring donations are especially beneficial to nonprofit organizations. They increase donor retention, as well as the volume of contributions, while reducing the overall cost of fundraising.

By offering the option to schedule recurring donations, you boost your funding and cater to your patrons' convenience. This is a winning situation for all involved.

The benefits of recurring donations via Karma Payments...

Benefits for donors:

Send recurring gifts to favorite charities without the hassle of initiating new transactions.
Easily cancel or change recurring donation schedules according to their needs.
Receive regular reports and documentation about their gifts for tax purposes.
Receive confirmation receipts, expired card notices, and gift reminders digitally.
Security in knowing their dollars reach people in real need.
Benefits for organizations:

Regular contributions staff can plan on and forecast.
A strong potential for increased contributions.
Better contributor retention.
An honest and transparent donor relationship.
Powerful donation tracking and managing tools like CRM.
Karma Payments offers the security of knowing your donations are protected. From fraud prevention and SSL encryption, to secure and accurate data management, we keep your information safe. Don't delay, start accepting recurring donations. Contact us today!