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Street phone design has to take into account maliciousness and carelessness. Use careless in a sentence | The best 154 careless ... " Lack of sleep leads to carelessness" " Lack of sleep whittled away her energy" "Your lack of sleep will catch up with you someday" Ad-free experience & advanced Chrome extension. Unfortunately, they give readers the impression of disorganization and carelessness and often cause confusion. Part A Which sentence identifies an analogy made by Anne ... In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for easiness, like: ease, effortlessness, facileness, tighten, carelessness, ability, simplicity, nonchalance, casualness, informality and naturalness. Find another word for easiness. Lack of care. Part B: A. Students should cultivate a habit of reading . He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the damage. Do not let carelessness get in the way of your . Carelessness can lead to a serious accident. He reproached me for carelessness. Carelessness Sentence Examples. b) Mother ordered a birthday cake. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word "carelessness"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there's a better way for you to learn meaning of "carelessness" through sentence examples. Good grammar in writing remains as important as it ever has been despite this being an age of tweets and texts. See more. Changing the words of an original source is not sufficient to prevent plagiarism. (Also, I'm the self-appointed Grammar Chief of Police.) Synonyms for CARELESSNESS: dereliction, heedlessness, incaution, incautiousness, laxness, neglectfulness, negligence, remissness; Antonyms for CARELESSNESS: care . A lack of concern or an indifference for the consequences of the action due to inattention may partake in the origin of carelessness. It is suggested that intensive knowledge of English grammar and . Learn more. : If there is a flaw to the film, it can be attributed to the documentary approach. Taking insufficient care; negligent: a careless housekeeper; careless proofreading. Representative photo: PTI. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences . a) Some students like to study in the morning. It shows that Anne reflects on her own mortality.. Anne Frank was a 16-year-old Jewish girl who fell victim to the Holocaust. I made a careless [= rude, thoughtless] remark. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness. He looked like the darkly engraved portraits which we see prefixed to old volumes of sermons; and had no more right than one of those portraits would have, to step forth, as he now did, and meddle with a question of human guilt, passion, and anguish. Can you give me a . Stephen's parents encourage him to 14. What does carelessness mean? Plus I loved these comments. 15. Step 2: Check if there is a verb in the underlined expression. All of these errors appear to be the result of carelessness. See more. Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful. 2. Synonyms for CARELESSNESS: dereliction, heedlessness, incaution, incautiousness, laxness, neglectfulness, negligence, remissness; Antonyms for CARELESSNESS: care . . Using grammar correctly allows you to communicate your message clearly and our run on sentence checker can help. : Race arguments were dismissed and problems were believed to be attributed to the juveniles ' family situations. synonyms. Theme Of Carelessness In The Great Gatsby. 13 examples of lack of sleep in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. The key to fixing both kinds of sentence errors lies in our ability to recognize a sentence, a complete thought, when we hear it. Traducir carelessness de Inglés a español. Class, please diagram this sentence: "How are seasons of struggle build so many of the things we need to handle what's coming next." I mean, I got—eventually. definitions. Fortunately, they are relatively easy to fix. Antonyms-flash, glance, eyeshot, neglect, carelessness, glimpse, ignorance, unawareness, oblivion Example Sentence-After the detailed scrutiny of the virus, scientists have reported to the government. Define carelessness. Oh. As a result of his carelessness, he made a serious blunder. 0. Misusing these words can change the meaning of the sentence or simply reflect carelessness on the writer's part. 22. 28. 4.2.4 Carelessness: According to the inf ormation from the interview and the question naires, though carelessness seemed to be the source of the leas t errors, it cannot be overlooked. Information and translations of carelessness in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. High quality example sentences with "due to carelessness" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English "careless" in a sentence. Read the excerpt relating to Reverend Mr. Wilson from Chapter 3 of The Scarlet Letter. But the casual carelessness of his posts is insulting. Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. How to use thoughtlessness in a sentence. Translate carelessness into Spanish. Three runners were lost on the basepaths through carelessness or foolishness. Marked by or resulting from lack of forethought or. How for his carelessness and folly. 2. courage. suspended. Christians should Thereby be reminded of the need to avoid carelessness. (Yes you can start a sentence with Bu. interference, limited knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary, and carelessness of the students were found to be the major sources of the errors. • changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules) Attention! Dashes interrupt your writing to insert an interjection or pause, while parentheses gently add information to your point. Sentence Completion Exercises With Answers Pdf for Class 5 CBSE. Without sentences, language doesn't really work. Synonyms for Carelessness (other words and phrases for Carelessness). While a $250. Carelessness is a noun, therefore it can be used to describe the subject or the action of a subject in a sentence. Richie is not alone in her carelessness. All of these errors appear to be the result of carelessness. It is possible Simple sentence: A Simple sentence is also called an independent clause. Diirreeccttioonnss:: Complete the sentence using the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. . Georgia Takes a Beating in the Cyberwar With Russia - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com. But corporate carelessness in the minds of jurors can be costly. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). BHOPAL: Careless behaviour of people and complacency are leading to a spike in Covid-19 cases in Madhya Pradesh, which saw a 78 per cent rise in cases in the past two . Richie is not alone in her carelessness. Which is the best way to correct this run-on sentence? Mara Douglas was a devout Catholic, admired in her community for her selflessness and generosity of spirit. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. Dashes are more common in fiction writing and in more casual texts. Carelessness example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Coupled with the poor writing is a certain carelessness in the story development: early on, for example, we learn of the high-tech processes Space Vulture uses to make himself superhuman. The longer fragments produce the impression of great discursiveness and carelessness, but at the same time of considerable force. I don't mean to make her feel unwelcome, but it was her own carelessness that got her into this situation. bab.la is not responsible for their content. Sentences are everywhere. adj. One may lose appetite , money or one's lot but one can't lose train or bus; missing a train or opportunity is like failing to hit, not coming in contact with, instead.She missed an opportu. I should have done you a greater service had I pointed out to you its thoughtlessness, its inconsequence, and its want of comprehension. Find 12 ways to say CARELESSNESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. UK English definition of CARELESSNESS along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say. Show More Sentences. In 2011, Derek Jeter notched his 3,000th hit for the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium in . Read the sentence. Answer (1 of 5): Lost a big order , is more than what actually happened; it is ,missed a big order, I think. subordination, sentence structure and ordering), and semantic errors (ambiguous communication and 7 years ago By . A word of caution: although parentheses can be used throughout all writing genres, dashes are rarely used in formal academic research. Your carelessness will overleap yourself! He had a reputation for carelessness. My second sentence answers your second question. How to use "careless" in a sentence. a newspaper known for careless reporting. He is incapable of envy or avarice, whether from virtue or from carelessness. 'The death or serious injury of a Soldier due to negligence or carelessness cannot be overlooked and can always be avoided.' 'I made a few gaffs due to my negligence, so hopefully you'll learn from my mistakes.' 'This means that any additional costs which are due to her negligence may be deducted from her bill.' For in us inactivity is the child of cowardice, and carelessness of inactivity and indolence. The weak fictional element, propagandism and poor editing can be attributed to the experimental nature of the film. Define carelessness. But the disgrace of this ravishment of our wife during our hours of carelessness, hath stained us, to be sure. : Much of the success could be attributed to the talents of the speaker for the event. The blitheness of their humor, therefore . 1. The state or degree of being ready. It was a careless mistake. Carelessness is his principle feature. English How to use "carelessly" in a sentence A clause that adds extra information to a sentence is called a subordinate clause. A. Examples of carelessness in a Sentence. It is this in-between place of carelessness and thoughtlessness that disturbs. use "carelessness " in a sentence I refuse to put up with his carelessness any longer. 13. Learn the definition of the word "carelessness" and how to use carelessness in a sentence. Consider the following statement; whisper it to yourself. carelessness. 10 examples of sentences "careless". Fatigue, carelessness and lack of proper training are the three most common factors attributed to industrial radiography accidents. TOPIC SENTENCE 1 = Carelessness is one of the cause of road accidents in our country. Compound sentence: A compound sentence consists of two main clauses of equal Sentences. The value of grammar isn't just limited to academic settings. His carelessness in matters of dress was very noticeable. Part A: D. Anne writes a memorial to her fountain pen; by expressing her wish to be cremated, like her pen, she identifies with her pen. Step 3: Check the word before or after the underlined expression. Don't let spelling get in your way. Start using Ginger Software's spell checker today! Your carelessness will tell against you in the examination. E.g. SUPPORTING POINT 1 = carelessness is the unpleasant behaviour of the road users that risks themself and not consider about the other safety unrationally. for example: The driver's carelessness resulted in a car crash. Your errors stem all from your carelessness. The longer fragments produce the impression of great discursiveness and carelessness, . happily prepared and wanting to do something. 1. a. SUB-SUPPORTING POINT 1 = This carelessness can be identify from the conditions of the road user . The subordinate clause adds more information to . in a sentence. Carelessness refers to the lack of awareness during a behaviour that can result in unintentional consequences. 1) Due to his carelessness he could not win a scholarship , 2) He was careless naturally he could not win a scholarship , 3) He was careless there fore he could not win a scholarship , 4) On accounts of his carelessness he could not win a scholarship thesaurus . . It opens the way to carelessness and indifference on the part of suppliers and producers. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. carelessness definition: 1. the fact of not taking or showing enough care and attention: 2. the fact of not taking or…. Provide all kinds of information to people of all ages. But corporate carelessness in the minds of jurors can be costly. Another way to say Carelessness? Mara Douglas - Bonita, CA . (noun) This accident was caused by carelessness. Nominalizations: A sentence may seem unclear to a reader because verbs and adjectives (words that describe nouns) are turned into nouns. laggingin a sentence, kiddiesin a sentence, morroin a sentence, factionin a sentence, reputein a sentence, normalityin a sentence, chiaroscuroin a sentence, courtlandin a sentence, fortifyingin a sentence, aνengein a sentence, nukingin a sentence, attockin a . carelessness. Definition of Willingness. Marked by or resulting from lack of forethought or. 2. Three runners were lost on the basepaths through carelessness or foolishness. 1. His negligence was nothing less than criminal .他的粗心大意等于犯罪。 click for more sentences of 粗心大意.

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